Wednesday, December 4, 2013

William J. & Dorothy C. Cavanagh Moonan



William Joseph Moonan of Amsterdam and Miss. Dorothy Christina Moonan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cavanagh, of Schuyler St., Boonville, were married Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock in St. Joseph's church, Boonville, by the Rev. Father Leo Flynn, who also celebrated a nuptial high mass.  The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and other friends.  During it Joseph Schmidt of Amsterdam sang "O Promise Me" and he also assisted in singing the mass.   The bride wore a blue poiret twill suit, with blue hat and a corsage bouquet of orchids.  The maid of honour was Miss. Mary Elizabeth McIncrow, Utica, a cousin of the bride, who wore a brown duvetyne dress, with cape and pink roses.  The best man was Lawrence J. Moonan, Jr. of Amsterdam.  Following the ceremony and service at the church, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents to the immediate families and relatives.  The bride received a number of useful and handsome gifts.  To her maid she gave a string of pearls, while the bridegroom gave his best man a set of gold cuff links.  Following a northern honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Moonan will make their home at 77 Prospect St., Amsterdam.  The bride has been employed in the First National Bank of Boonville, and for a number of years was organist in St. Joseph's church at that place. Mr. Moonan is employed by the Robert A. Keasby Company of Syracuse.  The young people have the best wishes of their friends.  

<>; Amsterdam Evening Recorder; Tuesday, February 13, 1923; on 12/04/2013  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this Kathy!
    This is all great, very interesting.
    David M.
