Thursday, November 21, 2013

Parents and siblings of John T. Cavanagh

John & Catherine Allen Cavanagh at home on Academy Street, Boonville, NY 
with daughters Helen, Mary & Catherine.

John T. Cavanagh's parents: 

John Cavanagh, Jr. b.1845, England, died Boonville, NY, 1916, 
son of John & Bridget O'Brien Cavanagh. 

Death of John Cavanagh.
Old and Esteemed Business Man of
Boonville Passes Away.

John Cavanagh, for thirty years a 
prominent shoe merchant of Boonville
and a highly esteemed resident, 
died last Thursday, following a serious
illness from pneumonia.
Mr. Cavanagh was born in England
June 6, 1846, and came to America when
four years old.  He came to Boonville
when he was nine years of age and two
years later began to learn the trade of a 
shoemaker.  He worked 12 years for A. L. Pelligo 
and later for James Fagdn.   He was also employed in 
Clayton and Oneida and Jan. 1, 1886, started a 
shoe store in Boonville.  In Aug. of that year 
a partnership was formed with
A. D. Snow, under the firm name of 
Snow A. Cavanagh, and which continued for three years.
In 1894 Mr. Cavanagh started in business for
himself and later his son was admitted to 
partnership in the firm, which has been 
one of the most successful business 
concerns in that village.  
About two months ago the deceased began 
to fail in health, and three weeks ago he was 
stricken with pneumonia, which proved fatal. 
Mr. Cavanagh was a Democrat in  politics 
and held many positions of trust and confidence 
in the village.  Besides his wife there survive -
three sons, John T. and Charles G. of Boonville, 
and Austin H. of Utica; 
also three daughters, Catherine, Mary and Helen, 
of Boonville; one sister, Mrs. G. H. Fassell, of Fulton.

<>; Lowville Journal & Republican; Nov. 1916; on 11/21/2013. 

His wife, Catherine Allen Cavanagh, b. 1844, on Leyden Hill, died Boonville, NY, 1918, 
daughter of David and Mary Ferris Allen.

Mrs. Catherine Cavanagh.

Mrs. Catherine Cavanagh, widow of the late John Cavanagh, 
after an illness of ten weeks with a complication of diseases, 
passed away last Friday at her home in Boonville.  
Mrs. Cavanagh was born in Lewis County, June 3, 1844, 
and had been for many years a resident of Boonville, 
where she had ever been held in the highest esteem of all.  
She was a devoted wife and mother and a devoted 
member of St. Joseph's Catholic church.  
She was also a member of the Rosary Society of her church.  
She leaves to mourn her loss six children, 
 John T. Cavanagh, Boonville: Austin H. Cavanagh, Utica; 
Charles G. Cavanagh and Misses Catherine, Mary and Helen, of Boonville; 
a brother, John J. Allen, Augusta,Kansas; a sister, Mrs. N. Robert Barr, Lowville.  
Her grandchildren are Edward A. Cavanagh, 
with the American expeditionary forces overseas; 
Harold and Stuart Cavanagh, Utica; 
Reginald Cavanagh, and Misses Noreen, Dorothy and Ardra Cavanagh, of Boonville.  
The funeral services were held Monday morning 
from St. Joseph's church, Boonville, Rev. D. C. Flynn officiating.  

<>; Lowville Journal & Republican; April/June 1918; on 11/21/2013.

Early picture of John Cavanagh, shoemaker.  

John Cavanagh (Grandpa Cavanagh) in later years, at home on Academy St., Boonville, NY.

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