Sunday, November 17, 2013

John T. Cavanagh

John T. & Christina Cavanagh in later years.

Cavanagh - Pirnie  
In Boonville, NY, Feb. 11, 1886 at the parsonage of St. Joseph's Church, 
by Rev. J. A. Hart, Mr. John T. Cavanagh of Boonville, and Miss. Tina Pirnie of Medina.  
(RCFeb. 26/1886)

Dorothy's parents were:
 John T. Cavanagh, b. March 9, 1863, son of John & Catherine Allen Cavanagh 
  Christina Pirnie, b. Aug. 11, 1863, daughter of Michael Stirling & Janet Sharp Pirnie.

John T. and Christina lost a son, John Kenneth.  
He was born on Dec. 30, 1886 and died on July 20, 1898.


John K. Cavanagh, oldest son of John T. Cavanagh, 
died this morning of heart failure succeeding inflammatory rheumatism.  
He was born Dec. 30, 1886.  His illness was of about six weeks duration.  
The deceased was an altar boy of the Catholic Church.  
He possessed a sweet and gentle disposition and was a general favorite 
with all who knew him.  His funeral will be held on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.

Rome Daily Sentinel; Wed., July 20, 1898; <>; on Jan. 26, 2014


John Kenneth Cavanagh

A Touching and Impressive Funeral for a Noble Young Man.

The funeral of John Kenneth Cavanagh was held at the Catholic church Saturday morning at ten o'clock.  Low mass was celebrated by the Rev. E. R. Prendergast. There were many beautiful floral offerings, emblematic of the beautiful young life that had been cut off so quickly.  The grave was lined with sweet peas and pansies and a great bunch of water lilies laid upon the casket.  The funeral address was full of noble and touching thoughts.

Those who attended from out of town were:  Mrs. Henry Freeman of Medina, Mrs. and Mrs. William Pirnie and Mrs. George Pritchard of Remsen.  Miss Mary Unser and Austin H. Cavanagh, Utica and Miss. Fassel of Fulton.  The bears were Guerdon Beck, Harold Hayes, John McLaughlin, David Reese, Wallace Douglass, J. Arch Bateman.

Eight boys who had been friends of Kenneth walked beside the hearse as a guard of honor and strewed flowers in the grave.  They were Fred Pfeifle, William Beck, Harland Jenks, Ray Schweinsberg, Roy Mather, Frank Shedd, Floyd Nellis and Thomas Jessup.  


Card of Thanks

For the many kindnesses extended by friends and neighbors during the sickness and death of our dear son Kenneth, also for flowers and condolences received, we return our heartfelt thanks.  

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cavanagh and family.

From original issue of The Boonville Herald, Thursday, July 28, 1898.

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