Thursday, January 30, 2014

Harold Douglas Cain & daughter, Norma.

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Moonan, Nov. 6, 1954.

Christina M. and Dorothy C. Moonan

Christina M. Moonan Henry

Mr. & Mrs. Leon V. (Mary Rudnik) Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Henry, Dorothy C. & 
William Moonan, Jr.

John Moonan, Ken Moonan, Gerald Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Henry, Norma Henry, 
Katrina Seiter & Ed Moonan. 

Gordon L. & Christina M. Moonan Henry were married on Sept. 25, 1948,
 St. Joseph's Church, Boonville, NY.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

William J. Moonan - Obituary

William Joseph Moonan
Dec. 19, 1896 - Jan. 31, 1944

W. J. Moonan, 47,
Dies at Hospital

WWI Veteran Was Love Post Commander;
Rites Friday

Boonville, Feb. 1 - William Joseph Moonan, American Legion Post Commander, died at 6:30 PM Monday at Rome Hospital where he had been a patient ten days.  He had been in poor health for a year and seriously ill three weeks.

He was born in Amsterdam, Dec. 19, 1896, a son of the late Lawrence and Mary Blundell Moonan.  He was educated at St. Mary's Institute, Amsterdam, and lived his early life there.

On Feb. 12, 1923, he married Miss. Dorothy Cavanagh, Boonville, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Dennis C. Flynn, then pastor of St. Joseph's Church.  For a short time after their marriage the couple lived in Amsterdam and then came to Boonville where they have since resided.  Their home was on Schuyler St.

Mr. Moonan was an asbestos mechanic by trade and was a past president of Local 30, Syracuse asbestos mechanic's union.  He was a member of St. Joseph's Church and its Holy Name Society and was also a member of Boonville Council, Knights of Columbus.

Mr. Moonan served as a member of Battery B, 18th Field Artillery in World War I and had been an active member of Charles J. Love D.S.C. Post 408, American Legion, which he was serving as commander at the time of his death.

He leaves his widow; four sons and a daughter.  William J., Jr., John L., Edward R., Kenneth E., and Christina M. Moonan, all at home; a brother Lawrence Moonan, Amsterdam; an uncle, William Moonan, Amsterdam; three nieces and a nephew.

Funeral Services will be held Friday with prayer at the home at 9:30 a.m. and services at St. Joseph's Church at 10 a.m.

Rome Daily Sentinel; Feb. 1, 1944; <>; on Dec. 13, 2013.    

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jessie Pirnie, Mrs. Henry (Annie Pirnie Clark) Freeman, unknown, Miss. Ernestine Clark, and 
Mrs. John T. (Christina Pirnie) Cavanagh.

Miss. Jessie A. Pirnie
Pneumonia Victim After Illness of Several Weeks 
at Home of Brother-In-Law In Boonville.

Miss. Jessie A. Pirnie died Thursday night at the home of her brother-in-law, John T. Cavanagh, in Boonville.  Miss. Pirnie suffered an attack of pneumonia a few weeks ago from which she seemed to be making a good recovery, and her death came as a shock.
Jessie Archer Pirnie was the daughter of the late Michael and Jessie (Janet) Sharp Pirnie, and was born March 18, 1852, at Split Rock.  Her mother died when she was a young girl, and Miss. Pirnie assumed the responsibilities as housekeeper for her father, brothers and sisters.  Later she lived for a time with her sister, Mrs. Henry Freeman, at Medina.  More that 40 years ago she came to Boonville to live with her sister, Mrs. John T. Cavanagh, who died about four years ago.  Miss. Pirnie was a member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Henry Freeman, Mount Holly, New Jersey, and two brothers, Alex S. Pirnie and Peter C. Pirnie, of San Diego, California, and several nephews and nieces.

Lowville Jourrnal & Republician; Thursday, February 6, 1930; <>; on July 16, 2013. 

Cousin Ernestine's farmhouse.
Maplewood Farm, Mrs. & Mrs. Henry L. Freeman, Shelby, Orleans Co., NY.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pirnie Family Reunion

Pirnie Family Reunion - Cindy Pirnie, Sue Davis, Bill & Nelson Pirnie, Nancy Davis, Edward Pritchard, 
Ken Moonan, about 1938.

Ray Clark's mother was Annie Sanders Pirnie Clark Freeman, sister of Christina Pirnie Cavanagh.  Aunt Annie is the little girl spoken about in the notes above.  As a tiny child while the family was still living in Scotland, she was kissed by the beloved Queen Victoria.  

Edwin Pirnie Farm, Remsen, NY, where reunions were held. 

All items on this post were contributed by Mrs. Clint (Betty Davis) Capron, Boonville NY.